June Converse

Thriving After Trauma - Author and Writing Coach

A Wild Ride: 2021 Here We Come

Alright, so 2020 sucked. It’s over now and we can’t go backwards. So, I’m putting on big girl pants and moving on. I can’t control COVID or elections. I can’t make hospitals bigger or people wear masks. But I can control how I spend my day and my mental energy.

Before we move into 2021, take a minute to find 3, 5, 10 or 20 things that went well in 2020:

  • I got to know my neighbors much better!
  • Journey to Hope was published – sales low – reviews excellent! The story is hitting hearts and that was my point.
  • My daughter graduated college and jumped right in to starting her own business and working hard at it.  Please go check her out – www.conversestudios.com
  • I got a new writing opportunity with Camp Abilities World (I’ll share more about this once the site is live).
  • I started a small writing school and it’s going really well.
  • I joined an online group for entrepreneurs, which is way outside my comfort zone but has been quite fun and helpful.
  • Because I wanted to keep in touch with friends, I did an online book club. Normally these ladies would not get to know each other because they are in different spheres. But now there are 9 women who have a relationship they would not otherwise have!
  • I had two articles published in Elephant Journal and was a guest on several podcasts (many thanks to Emily Aborn at www.shebuiltthis.org for finding these opportunities).
  • Blessed that my husband and I were not really financially or otherwise negatively impacted by the pandemic which has tragically devastated so many of us across the globe

2021 I’m Ready For You

In a recent post, I talked about whether to keep writing, whether to pay for help, etc. The feedback I received was helpful, heartwarming and encouraging. As you can see, I’m still here and I’m still writing. My husband and I decided to let my writing be a priority again in 2021. In order to keep me from worrying over this decision anytime I feel discouraged, I’ve prepaid all my peeps! Now, I don’t have to stress over that (this stuff is non-refundable!) and they will keep me accountable. Like the gym, if I’m paying for it, I’ll do it.

I feel more excited about 2021 than I have in a long time. My third book is coming along nicely – my character Abigail has a lot to say and she’s an angry young woman so she’s fun to let off the leash. I have a great writing coach, but I’ve also started to do some coaching on my own. I’ve got a non-fiction book simmering and I’m on-board to continue writing for Camp Abilities World.

I’m doing this writing thing and I’m going to do it like a professional and not a hobbyist. I’ve even started to proudly and confidently tell people I’m an author! I no longer feel like a fraud.

BLOG 2021

I have a new plan for this blog too and I hope you’ll get engaged. I’ve asked a group of women to share their most recommended self-help or personal growth books to me. The list was long and wonderful. I then asked a smaller group of women to vote for their favorite. Those votes narrowed my list to the top six. I will be working through these six suggestions with you (one book every two months). What I’m expecting is to open up some areas within self that I’ve avoided or need to excavate – isn’t that the point of personal development? As always, I’ll show you my authentic, messy self.

I will have guest bloggers this year! If you or someone you know has a story to share, please send it my way. I think my stories have helped some people – and any story shared may just be the one to help someone else !!

I started this blog asking you to find a few things that went well in 2020. I’m closing this first blog of 2021 asking you to list 3, 5, 10 or 20 things that you are looking forward to in 2021:

  1. Finishing book 3, Secrets of Hope
  2. Finishing nonfiction book
  3. Starting another small writing class
  4. Studying the six personal development books I’ll be doing on this blog
  5. Getting to know more people in my new online group
  6. Keeping my nine best buds close to my heart (as soon as possible, get them all together!)
  7. Watching Sydney’s business grow
  8. My website is getting a revamp thanks to Emily Aborn at www.shebuiltthis.org and Lisa Norman at www.heartyallybooks.com – the best news – I’m letting them handle it because I hate that kind of stuff!
  9. A SECRET – I have something in the works that I’ll be sharing with you in February!

Would you be willing to send me your list? I’ll compile all our hopes for 2021 and share (no names). No matter your faith, I think we all agree that when we put goodness into the universe, it’s returned to us. Let’s put our hopes out there and let others in on our dreams – let the universe do its thing.

We’re on this journey together

So, let’s GET TOGETHER on this journey.


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June Converse with purple hair
Choosing to rebuild a life after a breakdown has been a challenge. I became an author and a blogger who openly shares...

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